Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) MCQs
Categories: CCC
Q.1. GIGO stands for? Garbage out Garbage in Graphic interface graphic output None of them Answer: C. None of them Q.2. HTML full form is_. Hypertext markup language Hyper
Categories: CCC
Q.1. GIGO stands for? Garbage out Garbage in Graphic interface graphic output None of them Answer: C. None of them Q.2. HTML full form is_. Hypertext markup language Hyper
Categories: software
1. Which of the following can be elements of computer-based systems?(a) documentation(b) software(c) people(d) hardware(e) all of the above Answer: E2. The system engineering process usually begi
Categories: software
1. Software engineers collaborate with customers to define which of the following?(a) Customer visible usage scenarios(b) Important software features(c) System inputs and outputs(d) All of the above&n
Categories: HEALTH
1. The World Health Day is celebrated on ________.(a) 1st March(b) 7th April(c) 6th October(d) 10th DecemberAns: (b) .2. Cleanliness, physical exercise, rest and sleep are a part of ________.(a) Hygie