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Expectations From Digital and Technological Applications in Education and Development So Far

Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Expectations From Digital and Technological Applications in Education and Development So Far


The education sector has high hopes from digital and technology applications. It expects the apps to help students overcome various barriers and divides of access, distance, time availability, language, finance, likes and preferences, learning style, learning pace and learning path, etc.

It is likewise trusted that innovation can be utilized to diminish the non-showing responsibility for instructors. Digital and technology applications have the potential to provide teaching-learning materials for teachers as well as management tools for administrators.

Students will also learn about things that are difficult to experience in real life through innovation - for instance, remote ocean investigation, atomic blasts, volcanic emissions, etc. By providing real-time, actionable data for decision-making and administrators, including those with physical and learning disabilities.


A few of these assumptions from the schooling area have been met by the computerized and mechanical improvements somewhat recently or somewhere in the vicinity. Computerized and web-based learning is defeating a few partitions.

Due to this, the cost of education has also reduced. It has made available great material and faculty that were available only to a few. Technology has enabled people to get jobs and education alike. Technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) have enabled students to visualize events and experiments that are otherwise difficult to learn about.

LMSs (Learning Management Systems) and LXPs (Learning Experience Platforms) have enabled PALs and monitoring of learner journeys. ERP and many other efficient packages have helped in easing the administrative work for teachers and education administrators. The application of assistive technologies for attendance, assessment, student tracking, facial recognition, 3-D modeling and 3-D printing, QR coding of books as well as for students with special needs have helped in various areas of the education sector.

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Expectations From Digital and Technological Applications in Education and Development So Far