10 Things Kids Want From Their Parents
Categories: Kids Kids care

10 Things Kids Want From Their Parents
Although they might seem like it, children aren't too complicated. There are very few things that they request of us in their first years; however, these requests are essential in helping them grow up to be kind, respectful additions to society.
As parents, there are 15 main things that children will want from you as much as possible. If you can do your best to provide these things to the best of your ability, your child's future will be brighter than ever.
Here are the top 15 things kids want from their parents:
1. A Good Goodnight
Going to bed is so much better when parents spend some quality time with their children. Take time out of your day to tuck them in, sing them a song, or read them a bedtime story.
If you don't have any books, you might consider making up a story yourself, or telling them about your childhood. Children are very receptive to parents who use their imaginations, too!
2. Affection
Showing affection is one of the essential experiences that children have while growing up. Parents should always remember to give lots of praise, cuddles, and love, even after a long day.
Even a friendly conversation one-on-one can be a tremendous help to a child who wants to be heard. Share some time asking your child about their day and what they enjoyed most.
3. Private Time
Having a good connection with your children means giving them your full and undivided attention as much as you can. Children will benefit from feeling like their time is valued, especially if it's planned out and isn't rushed.
With more than one child, it's essential to provide each one with their time with you. It's hard to connect when things are busy and loud, so let them choose a place and activity that you can enjoy together.
4. Positive Food Advocates
Lots of children are picky, but that's no reason to throw in the towel and serve up pizza every night. Children need to learn that healthy foods can also be delicious and satisfying, and that starts at home in the kitchen.
Work together on meals, or even help them to grow some vegetables in the garden. Children should learn early on that dessert is not the only delicious meal, so that they're set up for success in the long-run.
5. Plans to Look Forward To
Show your children that you love hanging out with them, and give them fun things to look forward to with you. You might plan fun events on the weekend, or surprise them with weekday activities if they've been well-behaved.
Showing your children that you're excited about quality time will make them feel good about themselves and their relationship with you.
6. Conversations Before Bedtime
Bedtime means winding down, but this is also a great time to take advantage of beneficial conversations. Set aside time before they go to sleep to talk about their day, their friends, or anything else they can think of.
Allow them to lead the conversation; kids like to feel heard.
7. Time to Play Outside
Studies have shown just how beneficial and vital outdoor play can be for children. Not only children, either; people at every age benefit from being outside!
Encourage kids to stay off screens and televisions and to explore the world outside instead. Allow them to spend as much time as they want outdoors, either playing games, going for walks, or socializing with neighborhood children.
8. Time to Watch Their Favorite Show
The only thing better than getting to watch their favorite show is watching is with a loved one! Grab a blanket and settle in for a good cuddle while your child enjoys their most preferred shows.
You can let this be a quiet time, or you might ask them questions to engage them.
9. Discipline When Necessary
Children need guidance when it comes to learning about appropriate behaviors and responses. Showing discipline might not be a parent's favorite thing to do, but it does teach a child that they are invested in them and want the best for them.
Even though they might not show it, children do find value in being disciplined.
10. Leave Special Messages
Surprises are always pleasant, even if it's a little note or present 'just because.' Consider putting notes in your child's lunch bag or backpack, especially if they're having a bit of a rough day.
Having that little jolt of happiness is always lovely when its unexpected.