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5 Tips to Encourage Self-Motivation in Your Little One

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5 Tips to Encourage Self-Motivation in Your Little One


Do you find your little one less enthusiastic about playing with her friends? Does she seem aloof to you about everything else? Do you find that she is deteriorating in her studies as well? If you nodded in affirmation, then there are high chances that your little one lacks self-motivation.

Self-motivation is the key that leaves a great impression on how your little one is pacing in her daily life. From performing well in the curriculum to building some good habits, a self-motivated child can do wonders with her life. Motivation comes naturally until the age of seven, but up till reaching this age group a kid is observing her surroundings and always learning something new. However, after the age of seven, she must be able to motivate herself.


Although self-motivation is an inside process and varies from kid to kid, as a parent, you can always motivate and push your child to nurture her ability to do better and better. Here's how you can do that:


1. Stay Positive

Even if she is failing at something, always dwell on the efforts she is putting in rather than nagging about the things she is not good at. If there is a problem, try to be compassionate and come up with a solution. You will soon see this positive outlook and behavior being reflected in your little princess.


2. Appreciate Efforts

Rather than just saying 'good job' for everything, take some time to rethink how you want to appreciate all the good things that she is doing. For example, if she shares her toys with her friends, you can acknowledge her good behavior by complementing, "Your friend must have enjoyed and felt immensely good when you shared your toys with her". This will motivate your charming daughter to always behave well and do good in other aspects of her life.


3. Tackle Failures

Tell your little bundle of joy that it is okay to lose sometimes. What is important is the attempt and what she learns from failing at it in the first go. This trait of gracefully accepting the defeat and moving on from setbacks will prove immensely beneficial later in her life.


4. Adopt Learning Style

When a certain subject is hard to learn for your kid, then you can encourage the learning through fostering her interests. Suppose if she likes baking, you can teach her the measuring concepts by teaching her how to measure the ingredients. This will teach her about size, volume, and density without even making it appear like a burdensome math lesson.


5. Build Self-Esteem

When she believes in herself, any difficult mountain can be moved with ease. Building a positive self-esteem will open the ways towards building self-esteem. Help your little one to build self-esteem and believe in herself, then there won't be even a single thing that she would think of as unattainable. You can always try to look out what she enjoys doing the most and how she interprets the right from the wrong.


Final Word

Like any other parent in the world, you would also want your little one to be successful in school and later in her life as an adult. Set your little one on the path of success by inculcating self-motivation. Always encourage your pretty princess to go beyond the boundaries and achieve big. It is a vital skill that is needed for whatever she chooses to do in her life!

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5 Tips to Encourage Self-Motivation in Your Little One