The Economics of Growth in Developing Countries
Categories: Development

The Economics of Growth in Developing Countries
Growth is the engine of human development. It is the driving force behind the progress of a country and its citizens. Without growth, developed countries such as the United States and Europe will not be able to provide their people with necessary resources. In developing countries, however, growth is likely to be less favorable. There are several negative side effects of rapid growth that developing countries must avoid if they want to become more developed. These side effects are described in this article.
Make The Most of Your Time
The most important thing a developing country can do is maximize its time. This means that you must be efficient in your time allocation. Developing countries need to focus their time on the most important things. The time spent on less important things will translate into less time profit. In China, this means that people spend their time in work, going to school, and earning money. In the United States, it means that people spend their time in work, going to school, and then having family time. It is important for developing countries to avoid this negative time goal. In the developed countries, people generally have more time for leisure activities. Therefore, one of the most important things a developing country can do is to increase the amount of time its people spend on leisure activities.
Be More Active
Active people are able to do things during their leisure time. Therefore, one of the most important things a developing country can do is to get more people active. In fact, one of the main reasons why developing countries do not experience rapid growth is because of a lack of interest in physical activities by the people. People in the developing countries must be made to interested in physical activities. This means that you must create opportunities for people to exercise. For example, many developing countries have the problem of a lack of places for people to exercise. In these cases, you can create opportunities by offering discounted gym memberships to the underprivileged. Another way to increase the amount of time people spend engaging in physical activities is to require government-mandated physical activity. For example, in India, people are required to do 30 minutes of exercise every day. Although this may sound like a lot of physical activity, it translates into people doing less actual exercise.
Stay In Touch with Friends and Family
Another important thing that developing countries can do is stay in touch with their friends and family. As people move into cities, they are likely to lose touch with their friends and family in the countryside. This is a major problem in developing countries, where large areas of the country have no telephone service or electricity. This means that people in these areas are deprived of basic human necessities such as communication with family and friends, information, and even basic necessities such as food. One of the most important things a developing country can do is to maintain regular contact with people in other parts of the country.
Let Technology Help You Get Things Done
Another important thing that developing countries can do is to let technology help them get things done. For example, in many developing countries, it is very difficult to get a job because you cannot prove that you have the necessary qualifications. This is a serious problem in countries like India and China because without a job, people are unable to develop their potential. A developing country that allows technology to be used to its fullest advantage will be able to get more things done with fewer resources.